Jun 7, 2012

A Way to See in the Dark – Jason Gray CD Review

Just a word of warning, this is not my typical CD review. 
Unfortunately I wasn’t all that impressed with this CD at all. I was actually pretty disappointing. I really like the few songs of Jason Gray’s that I’ve heard on Klove or Air1 radio, but none of these songs really stuck to me. Other than the first one ‘Remind Me Who I Am’, which is a really great song! I don’t know, I just didn’t connect with any of the other songs.
Jason Gray is a really cool guy with a really great story, so I kind of feel bad for not loving his music. But his music just isn’t what I normally tend to listen to. Though I was listening to Lecrae earlier… :-P
There isn’t anything wrong with his music it just isn’t my style, a little to slow for my taste, I guess… I really hate like the sound of ‘my style’ or ‘my taste’; it makes me feel really shallow. 
It’s not that his music lacks meaning; it’s just not very relatable to me.
I guess I didn’t really care for this CD, but I felt like I should do an honest review on it anyway.
 So I wouldn’t want this CD if I am really only interested in one song. But it would be a good CD for someone who isn’t into the faster paced Rock or Pop music.

1 comment:

swim56 said...

I personally loved his album. But I get it if you're not interested in it. It's a bit different and when I first heard his music it took a bit of getting used to. I guess you could wait a few years down the road and try it again. It's an amazing record in my opinion.